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Sabato 4 Maggio 2019

Museo del Vicino Oriente Egitto e Mediterraneo (MVOEM)
Ore 17:00 - Conferenza del prof. F. Höflmayer, Austrian Academy of Sciences
For a long time, the violent destructions that mark the end of the Middle Bronze Age period throughout the southern Levant were to the expulsion of the Hyksos by the Egyptians or to later military activity of the early New Kingdom. However, recent radiocarbon results have challenged this chronology and questioned the common historical narrative. This paper sheds new light on the end of the Middle Bronze Age and presents the latest results of the excavations at Tel Lachish.
Museo dell’Orto botanico
Largo Cristina di Svezia 23 a
Mostra Prima di Roma: storie di Neanderthal metropolitani dal 4 maggio al 2 giugno 2019. Un viaggio tra scienza e divulgazione alla scoperta dei Neanderthal di Roma e degli ambienti in cui vivevano.
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